QScan: Guides and Resources

Mastering Media Quality Control

Resources, content, and guides to help power up your media quality control workflows.

QScan Quick Guide 1

Creating a New Project for Greater Analysis Control

Projects offer more control over analysis speed, GPU usage, simultaneous file analysis, node selection, and report storage options. Here's how to create one.


QScan Quick Guide 2

Creating a Repository Pointing to a Network Share in QScan

This is a key step before you start running any analysis. Here are a few easy steps that will allow you to access content stored in your local network.


QScan Quick Guide 3

Craft Your Custom QScan Template in Minutes!

Although QScan provides premade templates, you may need to create a variation of the premade template or create a new template from scratch.


QScan Quick Guide 4

Verify File Layouts in QScan using Projects or Templates

When delivering content to broadcasters, it's very common to follow a specific file layout where you must verify that certain things are present at certain timecodes.


QScan Quick Guide 5

The Fundamentals of The QScan Main Page

Discover the main page of QScan and the available options, including the system's summary status, shortcuts to specific actions, and information about your files.


QScan Quick Guide 6

Review and Manage Events Using the HTML Report

Reviewing QC results can become time-consuming. In this guide, we'll show you how you can effectively use the HTML report for review of you QC results.


QScan Quick Guide 7

Using the Detailed View for In-Depth Results

QScan includes an extremely useful tool for inspecting the results and the behaviour of all parameters throughout your whole file.